Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Humanists

Do the humanists make more sense than the Freudians? Explain. Which humanist theorist has the best take on human personality?

Please post a response by Monday, November 14.


  1. I believe that humanistic psychology is a better method than that of the methods used prior to these healers. Humanists would use a holistic approach to treat patients. They would refer to their patients as "clients" because it gave the patient a better sense of self, and reffering to someone as "patient" implies there is something wrong with them and/or they are sick.
    The humanistic approach did not deal with the psychosexual stages Freud proposed, nor did they deal with the other developmental stages proposed by the Neo Freudians. They focused more on the here and now, human potential, and spirituality.
    Carl Rogers focused on client-centered therapy and worked on human relationships. The humanistic approach to psychology makes for more sense than the Freudian approach to psychology because treatment was individualized and people were not categorized and molded to "stages" of development because the humanists recognized the differences in individuals, personal developments, and relationships.

  2. I believe that both sides had some very good points, and some other things that were a little bit less valid. However i feel that the humanists, namely Carl Rogers showed an important part of how the human mind reacts to different situations. Perhaps because it seems that the humanist seem to use a facade of a lack of urgency, and mainly focuses on the effects of a disorder within the personality. Both are vital points in history, and should be applied in different areas of life where they are appropriate. I feel that I like both areas for different reasons, but I like the humanists just a little bit more.

    By Robbie

  3. In my opinion, humanistic make more sense to me than Freud. This is due to, how in Freudian, it centers on how people are in general. How do you fit into a society. The Humanistic perspective asks the question "who are you?". They treat you as an individual. In Freudian, its more centered on the therapist trying to figure out the clients problems. In Humanist methods, the patient figures out the problem for themselves. For Humanistic believe that we have the answer to the question but we have to look for it. The only thing the therapist does, is guide the patient to the answer. One of the humanist theorists that stands out is Carl Rogers. He believed in that the patient has the answers. He also said that we had a tendency to become better people, where in Freudian, every human is evil. Humanists has a lighter view on humans thoughts, and that's a great change.

  4. Above post was from mitchell stevens

  5. Humanistic thinking is more realistic than Freudian thinking. Freud proposed some of the most controversial ideas about mankind that still outrage some people today. Although Freud’s idea’s make sense to some extent, humanists such as Horney and Rogers propose the best idea’s that make the most sense. As Robbie said, both were important pieces of history, but what we live by today is technically humanistic thinking. Humanistic thinking is exactly what Taylor said; it’s about the here and now. Things like that matter way more than psychosexual theories.

  6. i don't favor either freudian or humanist because both are centered around a certain idea. freudians are based on social event and humanists are around questions. both are centered on one basic idea and don't really expand from it. each one has its strong point for certain scenarios but weak points in others. if ideas for both would come together it would help further psychology and the study/use of it.

  7. I believe that the humanist beliefs are more closely related to myself and society then that of the Freudians. Freudian beliefs are a bit far fetched and at sometimes even unbelievable. I believe Carl Rogers and his humanist belief which deals with the reaction of the human mind is the best humanist theory. Like I have said before I believe that the humanist theories are much more realistic then that of Freudians.

  8. I think the humanists are better than the Freudians. I do because most of their ideas are more relatable to real life events. My favorite person is Carl Rogers. He is because his idea makes the most sense. My favorite part of his theory is the part about self-actualiztion. I like it because it makes the most sense. I think everyone has an ultimate goal to be the best person they can.
