Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beyond Freedom & Dignity

Time to add to our discussion concerning Skinner's thoughts. Many psychologists believe Skinner steals not only our freedom but also our humanity. In their view, Skinner proposes a dystopian world of automatons reacting only to external stimuli, while losing the wonder and joy of life. On the other hand, Skinner's proponents claim he offers a fresh perspective and an alternative to the misery we already experience in this world.

Consider his views in Beyond Freedom and Dignity and the views of his detractors and discuss your thoughts on his vision.

Please post a response by Friday, December 2.


  1. Mitchell Stevens

    Skinner sounds like a very bright man, and knows what he is talking about. Although, in some parts of this article, I found it hard to read. Not because it was bad but because I could not understand some of his language he used. I think what skinner was trying to get at, in my opinion, is that culture is dehumanizing humans. That’s what I believe he said but I could not quite grasp the whole picture. Also, another thing I was kind of confused about in this article, was his role in all this. Does he agree, disagree? I felt like he was just starting a theory thrown out there, taking no sides. Other than a bit of confusion, I believe skinner knew what he was talking about.

  2. Zack Shepherd
    From my comprehension I mostly agree with what Skinner is saying. I have problems with him stating “What is good for the Trobriand Islander is good for the Trobriand Islander, and that is that”. I feel that in any situation there is never a case of “that is that”. There will always be slip ups and abnormalities that will throw something off. That is pretty much the only thought I could put together while reading this passage. His language and the way he uses went completely over my head. I think he does this on purpose to make his points and theories harder to criticize and easier to support.

  3. No...Robbie said...

    I feel that Skinner is a very intelligent individual, however i feel that he tries to put oversimplified labels on many things that are much more complex than he perceives them to be. With him talking about this "Technology of Behavior" I really feel that behavior is not as straightforward as being able to call it a technology. I really feel that Skinner has some interesting points at times, but I don't really like him compared to some of the people we have learned about. His perspectives may be fresh, but they would be the equivalent of a cauliflower, it may be fresh, and some people like it, but it tastes bland and the texture is slightly off...

  4. If I was to say that I honestly comprehended Beyond Freedom and Dignity, that would be a complete lie. B.F Skinner and his theories about mankind are very bold, but simply do not make the most sense to me. I remember someone in class had stated earlier that Skinner poses these crazy ideas, yet he does not have a strong argument to back them up, this became evident to me while reading. Do I believe that Skinner is an intelligent man? Yes. However, I believe that his theories are so complex to comprehend, and for the minimal amount of people that do understand, they disagree. He is very narrow minded and I’m just not a fan.

  5. ...What the heck did I just read?

    But seriously. After reading Beyond Freedom and Dignity I don't really see what Skinner is trying to say. I don't see what he did there, if you will. That was just really hard to read and it pretty much went in one eye out the other, even after reading it a few times. Although, I did agree with one part of the article. I liked the part where he was talking about how people act differently around groups of friends and family. We see it every day and it is prominent in our society. A person can act "cool" with their friends but be completely different around their family. Take me for example. At home I'm that little goody-two-shoes but I know in school I give off that "hardcore thug" vibe.

  6. Evan,

    It was quite difficult for me to grasp much of what Skinner was saying due to the fact that i did not understand his terminaology however, i believe he was talking about how people have differnt personalties. This relates to what anthonhy was saying and how people act differnt when there around there friends and family. I agree with this because i have seen this play out in my own life. Like i said before i didnt grasp much from this reading but i sort of got an idea of what he was hinting at.

  7. B.F Skinner is someone who shows intelligence like rob said but is lacking evidence to back his claims up. The ideas he is tackling are to vast and complicated to be explained with his theories, no matter how many big words you use. His claims show he somewhat grasps the concept of behavior but he does like robby said oversimplified things. People have been trying to understand the diversity of human behavior for years. It is hard to say B.F Skinner cracked the code and knows all about what makes people tick. The only part i do agree with, which seems to be the general favorite. Is the part about how individuals act different around groups of people. You see it everywhere you go. I know i act different when I'm around my parents then when I'm with my friends. Overall that was the part I most agreed with after painfully reading this article.

  8. i believe skinner is right about how humans are not really humans. we have no freedom because we have laws that limit us. a big freedom is freedom of speech in this country and we have laws against that. if we say something that mocks the president we can be arrested for treason no matter how true it is. skinner is right that humans are becoming dehumanized. i did have some trouble understanding some of his language and i believe some words he uses are made up.

  9. Drew
    I think skinner is right about how humans are not really free. In todays society there are so many laws for our so called free state. We have to follow a lot of different rules made by the government. And then if you go to school or get a job there are more rules to follow. There is no real freedom for humans because even in other countrys there are laws. I also agree about how our behaviors change with what we are doing and who we are with.

  10. Chanelle

    I agree with him 100% when it comes to the freedom of us as humans. Even when we dont realize it, everything we do is because it was done before and concidered either acceptable or not. Like college, to make a decent living and concidered successful you have to have a degree, which i dont disagree with, but at the same time, it makes you wonder why and who decided that. Nothing is free in life, and everything we do has to be done in ways that we were told they should be done in.
