Monday, December 12, 2011

Extra Credit - My Lobotomy

Go to My Lobotomy on NPR and click on "Listen."

This is approximately 22 minutes long and is a fascinating (also somewhat disconcerting and disturbing) story of a man who was lobotomized as a child. When done, post your thoughts on the procedure. However be sure to carefully listen to the parts of the story when Howard Dully talks to people who felt the procedure had benefits. Comment on the efficacy and ethics of the procedure.

Post response by Friday, December 16 for the extra credit!

Your textbook and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

After reading about all mental disorders from p. 572 -612, try to connect any one character from the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to a particular disorder.

Provide as much detail from the text to highlight why your chosen character may have had that disorder.

Please post a response by Wednesday, December 21.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the end

React to the end of the movie. Did you like/dislike the ending? Give reasons! How would you change the ending if you could? What about the movie itself overall? Be a movie critic and tell us what was good and bad about the movie. Which characters were the most heroic, tragic, villianous?

Have fun with this post!

Please post by Sunday, December 18.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, part 2

Now that you have observed all the main characters (McMurphy, Chief, Harding, Bibbitt, Martini, Cheswick, and Taber) a little, tell me if you think they have a mental illness. I know we are not ready to label them something specific, but we can describe their behavior and decide if they need psychiatric treatment. So go ahead and describe each character and their problems, if any.

Please post by Thursday, December 15.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, part 1

Ok, now that you have seen the first "group session" run by Nurse Ratched, comment on the treatment methodology. Based on what you know about on a number of personality theories, does it make sense to use a group setting to help people confront and overcome their problems? What good, if any, could come from Nurse Ratched's "treatment?"

Due Tuesday, December 13.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beyond Freedom & Dignity

Time to add to our discussion concerning Skinner's thoughts. Many psychologists believe Skinner steals not only our freedom but also our humanity. In their view, Skinner proposes a dystopian world of automatons reacting only to external stimuli, while losing the wonder and joy of life. On the other hand, Skinner's proponents claim he offers a fresh perspective and an alternative to the misery we already experience in this world.

Consider his views in Beyond Freedom and Dignity and the views of his detractors and discuss your thoughts on his vision.

Please post a response by Friday, December 2.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Humanists

Do the humanists make more sense than the Freudians? Explain. Which humanist theorist has the best take on human personality?

Please post a response by Monday, November 14.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Neo-Freudians

Okay, now that we have covered all the Neo-Freudians - Jung, Erikson, Adler, and Horney, which of them stands out as the one with the best theory of personality? Consider each main idea and evaluate each for its value to psychology.

Please post by Saturday, November 5.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Freud or Fraud

Time to take a position! I have taken a lot of time explaining Freudian theory in much detail. Was that time well-spent? Based on the text and the articles you read, tell us if you think Freud was a "fraud" and I have misused the limited time we have in Psychology. Or do you think Freudian theory is still relevant today and should continue to be an important part of any Psychology curriculum. What parts of his theory deserve time and what parts should be completely scrapped? Cam said Freud should be taken out of Psychology and placed in an Anthropology course. Do you agree? Explain.

So there is a lot of stuff to discuss. You may go in any or all directions in your response.

Please post by Tuesday, October 18.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Freud, part 2

Give us an example of one instance in which you or someone you know (make up a name to protect the innocent or guilty) used an ego defense mechanism. Be sure to identify the defense mechanism used. Then tell us if you believe ego defense mechanisms are real and a natural way to deal with difficult psychological conditions. Be sure to explain why or why not.

Due by Friday, October 7.

Freud, part 1

Read p. 453-458 in your text on Freud.

Now that you have been introduced to some of Sigmund Freud's theory, tell me what part of his structure of the personality makes sense to you. Also if something sounds ridiculous, comment on it, too. Explain why it makes sense or why it does not.

Please post by Thursday, October 6

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Animal Experimentation

Some people have suggested that using animals in experimentation is unethical since animals cannot "volunteer" to participate. They suggest humans have a moral obligation to be caretakers of our world and not subject animals to suffering. However, others contend that our superior status in the world confers upon us the right to utilize animals to advance our condition.

Please react to the two articles on the use of animals in medical research. Do you support or oppose the use of animals in experimentation? Use evidence and please be specific in referencing the articles to support your position!


Please post a response BEFORE the Socratic seminar (September 22). However, final postings will be due by Sunday, September 25.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Milgram Experiment

Now that you have had time to digest Milgram's experiment, tell me what you think his experiment tell us about human nature. Do you accept his conclusion that American society does not insulate us from committing terrible acts of atrocity if an evil person knows what buttons to push? In other words, are we so obedient that we are capable of hurting innocent people if commanded to do so?

Please post by Friday, September 9.

Why are you here?

Hello Psychology Students!! Welcome to the best class you will have at LHS! Before we get down to real psych stuff, tell me why you are here. What do you hope to learn from this class? Are you interested in pursuing psychology as a college major or a career? What is it about Psychology that makes you want to take this course, besides the really good-looking teacher?

Please post a response by Thursday, September 8.